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A good neighbor helps a Limestone County family with storm damage

Joey Platt didn't know how he was going to get a fallen 50 foot tree off of his driveway. Fortunately, a good Samaritan stepped in.

LIMESTONE COUNTY, Texas — Limestone County may have only seen wind damage after Sunday morning's storms, but that still left some residents briefly without power and others trying to figure out what to do with the trees now on their homes or driveways. 

Joey Platt thought they would just have some trouble getting the vehicles out while he tackled the 50 foot tree across his driveway. 

"It was big. Probably fifty foot tall," Platt said. "I couldn't get it out of here. In cooler weather I could do a little bit each day but when it get's hot I would have to stop."

Still, Platt had headed to the store that morning to try and get gas and oil for his chainsaw. He never had to use it. Some good Samaritans came by and started cutting up the tree for free before Platt even noticed. 

"These guys don't know how much we appreciate them," Platt said. "My wife told me these guys were there cutting the tree. I was gonna come thank them. They are the heroes."

Mike Seymore told 6 News he didn't have any plans for Easter Sunday so he and a friend were just driving around to see if people needed help. 

"I had driven by and seen a mess in the yard here and just figured I'd help," Seymore said. "I know he can't get out here and do this. Well he probably could, but if I'd seen him out here working I'd still stop and help him."

Seymore and a friend had the tree cut into small pieces in just a few hours and Platt was able to clear the driveway after. 

"They don't know how much I appreciate it," Platt said. 

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