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City of Waco seeking input for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project

It would add new station locations, providing buses every 15 minutes during peak service hours as well as extend service hours to 10 p.m. and service on Sundays.

WACO, Texas — The City of Waco will have a virtual public meeting Thursday evening to present the final recommendations for the Waco Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project. 

The proposed Waco BRT project has been in the works for several years. It would add new station locations and provide buses every 15 minutes during peak service hours as well as extend service hours to 10 p.m. and service on Sundays. 

Serena Stevenson, general manager with the Waco Transit System said they want to provide safe reliability and efficient service with limited stops. 

RELATED: Waco considers rapid transit options during public workshop

"We were really looking forward to effectiveness, time savers, and we want to create a system that's not just for people that are transit dependent but we want to create a transit system that's her choice riders as well," Stevenson said. 

With the current system, Stevenson said it can be time consuming to get to and from a location. 

"Our current system provides an hour inbound and then if you transfer into another bus you often have to take another bus out for and hour to make that connection," Stevenson said. "You're looking at sometimes a four hour time frame just for your travel needs."

The next step is looking at local and federal funding. 

"Our hope is for BRT, but we want to be able to say if we can't do a true BRT, if we can't do a modified BRT, what can we do with the level of funding that we do have that still in Hanses our transit system and continues to create equity for the community," Stevenson said. 

Right now, they are in the preliminary engineering stage of the project. Stevenson said things may change because it's a multi-step/multi-year project. She said they want to make decisions based off public feedback and available funding. 

They have a public virtual meeting Thursday at 6 p.m. You can join via Zoom or via phone at 1-253-215-8782. Meeting ID: 89743539231

For more information on the BRT project and how to join the meeting, click here. 

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