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Local 'heart warrior' has had 3 heart surgeries in his first year of life

Harvey Bacon is just one year old, but he's already undergone three heart surgeries and spent months of his young life in the hospital.

KILLEEN, Texas — In his first 12 months of life, a baby boy living in Killeen has already undergone three major heart surgeries.

Angela Bacon was pregnant with her son Harvey when she learned he was going to be born with a congenital heart defect.

He was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot. Basically, it means Harvey's heart didn't develop correctly while he was in the womb. 

Angela said hearing her son's diagnosis was something no parent can prepare for. 

"It rocks your world," Angela said. "More so than I think it would if a doctor walked in and told you you had it."

By the time he celebrated his first birthday, in a hospital bed surrounded by tubes and wires, he already had three separate heart surgeries behind him. 

"In his first year of life we were probably down there all together for four months," RJ said.

He was born at Houston's Texas Children's Hospital where he had his first surgery at just a couple weeks old. 

His second came in September. 

In May, he took on number three.

Through the surgeries and recovery, his parents said their faith has helped them through the times that would terrify any parent.

"If I didn't have a grounded faith, I just don't know how I could've made it through," his father, RJ said.

While Harvey still has another surgery to go, his family is focusing on what's important: Watching their baby boy grow. 

"Every single day whenever I see him do something that he wasn't doing the day before, that's a special day," RJ said.

Harvey's family will be holding a fundraiser at Yettie Polk Park in Belton to help pay for his medical expenses Saturday.

Anyone wanting to help his medical fund can bring a lawn chair to the park from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and enjoy live music, games, face painting, barbecue and more. Fundraiser plates will cost $10.

All proceeds will go directly to Harvey's medical fund and future surgeries. 

For more information call 254-760-1166.


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