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How to safely warm your home

Here are some simple steps you can take to make your home warmer safely.

TEMPLE, Texas — Cold weather has everyone grabbing their blankets, turning up the thermostat and just trying to find a way to stay warm. But did you know there are some simple steps you can take to make your home warmer?

First, weatherproof your home! 

By simply adding a plastic sheet or a thick blanket over your windows will further insulate your house. Similarly, put a towel in the cracks at the bottom of your doors. This will make sure no cold air can squeeze its way in! 

Also, you can conserve the heat in your home by closing off any unneeded rooms. That way, any heat in your home will only fill up the space you are occupying. 

Not heat-related, but weatherproofing your home also includes dripping your faucets! That way your pipes don't freeze over.

Beyond weatherproofing, if you are finding other ways to heat your home, make sure you are doing so safely.

Although it is convenient, leaving your stove on to warm up is not safe. 

When it comes to using space heaters, use one with an automatic shut-off switch. Never put a space heater on furniture or near water and never leave kids or pets alone near a space heater. 

If you are using your fireplace or lots of candles, never leave it unattended. 

This might be a no-brainer, but with everyone trying to heat up, double-check your smoke detectors to make sure they work!

Also with ice coating tree branches, make sure there isn't any hanging over your house. If there is, make sure you cut them down before they fall onto your house.

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