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How to protect your car in triple digit heat

The heat can take a toll on your car. Find out how you can take care of it before ending up on the side of the road.

TEMPLE, Texas — Driving this summer doesn't have to be a bummer, as long as you get your car serviced. Preventative measures can be taken to avoid ending up on the side of the road.

You want to focus on BET, or the battery, engine and tires. They need to be checked by you or a trusted mechanic before you head on the road.

"Heat and vibration are a batteries worst enemy," Daniel Armbruster, with AAA, said.

If you see any corrosion on your battery, take it in to a trusted the mechanic. The same goes for if it's out of place.

Then you want to focus on the engine. If you look under the hood, no belts should be broken or cracked. That can happen from extreme cold or heat.

Then you want to focus on your tires. If there is little to no tread, you need to get them replaced.

A way to check on this is to get a quarter, turn it upside down and put it in the rivets of the tire. If you can see the top of George Washington's head, then you need new tires.

With tires, it's not just about the tread, but also the amount of inflation.

If you check the inside of your car door, it tells you the right amount of inflation you want your tires at.

You want to be right at that number because in the summer, tire pressure can slowly rise with every 10-degree increase. So, if they're over inflated, you may see your tire burst.

 Along with those steps, maintain your A/C and keep an eye on the liquids coming out of it. Clear is good, but anything else indicates something it wrong.

If you are traveling a distance this summer, remember to bring back-up water in case you get stranded.

And no matter what, never leave an animal or person in the car for any amount of time in the heat.

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