WACO, Texas — Coaches and parents of the Brazos Gators cooked and sold barbecue Saturday with a goal of raising money to put toward the team's trip to Las Vegas.
The little league team is headed to Vegas looking to secure their first AAU National Championship win.
"Some of these guys have never even been outside of the City of Waco," Arlanders Estelle, founder of Brazos Gators, said. "So this is going to be a really big deal. This is something they will remember for a lifetime."
Both the 8U and 10U tackle football teams are competing for the title.
"A couple of our coaches got together just to try to raise funds so that when we get down to Vegas, we can do extra activities with our guys when we get there," Estelle said.
But, getting there means getting on a plane -- something most players are excited for.
"This is my first time riding on a plane," Jayceon Degrate, an 8U running back and linebacker, said.
"It'll be fun playing on the field because I've never been to Las Vegas before and it's going to be my first time on a plane," Delvin Dunner, an 8U quarterback and safety, added.
"I'm excited for the plane because I've never been on a plane before," Deondre Dunner, an 8U running back and linebacker, said.
This team means more than just playing football, Estelle said.
"Gators stand for giving all things to our righteous savior. We deal with a lot of children that are less fortunate but we have parents that come along and they back us up," Estelle said. "We have a good time out here. We're like one big happy family."
This is a family that their coach will cherish forever.
"It's a life changing experience. It actually keeps me grounded," Jeffrey Smith, the 10U head coach, said. "I enjoy it. I love it and I wouldn't change it for the world."
The Gators leave for Vegas on Thursday.
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