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Temple Church holds prayer service for Ukraine

Temple Bible Church members came together to send prayers of peace, unity and perseverance to Ukraine Sunday afternoon.

TEMPLE, Texas — As Russia's invasion of Ukraine intensifies, people around the world including, Central Texans, are standing with Ukraine and trying to offer aid.

Some of the aid being offered -- the power of prayer.

Temple Bible Church members came together to send prayers of peace, unity and perseverance to Ukraine Sunday afternoon. 

Danny Cunningham, the executive leader at Temple Bible Church, says the pray every day, but a dedicated hour was good for his congregation but also the people in Ukraine.

"Today it's just a blessing to see we have may people who are connected with Ukraine, many of the families who were here today have been to Ukraine," he said. "We wanted to continue to have the time to set aside that specifically our brothers and sisters would know that we are praying for them and they do know that and they're thankful for that."

Cunningham says thankfully he has able to talk to his brothers and sisters in faith, who he considers family, every day. They are all safe and have been helping others in Ukraine with relief and prayer.

RELATED: 'It's just so heartbreaking' | Pastors praying for Ukrainian friends

Cunningham is told from people overseas it's getting more difficult for people to evacuate from Ukraine. He also tells 6 News is getting increasingly difficult to help the many refugees who have fled to neighboring countries.

"We've had people just turn away and go back home," he explained. "We still have significant work going on in Warsaw with helping Ukrainian refugees and so that's a daily problem of finding a place to stay and then providing support for the partners we have in Poland that are doing a fantastic job of providing relief and shelter, food, medicines."

As prayers are sent from Central Texas, they're being felt from more than 6,000 miles away. Those who attended the special prayer service found that out with a video sent from one of the church's Ukrainian friend.

"I believe that we are safe here now because of your prayers," said an unidentified Ukrainian in a recorded video.

In the  recorded video for Temple Bible Church members, he says more people in Ukraine are turning to their faith as Russia's invasion continues. He also asked for specific prayers like for their children to understand what's going on in their country and for them to not have hatred in their heart.

His other prayer request was for over people who were coming to a safe place to pray and worship, that they would be protected in doing so, encouraged to do so and that they understand the importance of prayer.

"People know to stop there," Cunningham said. "Yesterday there was over 170 people that came seeking relief. "It's kind of becoming known that that's a place you can go and we pray that they're kept safe and able to do that."

Our friends and partners in Ukraine are asking for prayer. More than money, more than relief—they are asking for prayers...

Posted by Temple Bible Church on Friday, March 4, 2022

Temple Bible Church has been partnered up with churches in both Ukraine and Poland for decades. 

Sunday's event was important to show Temple church members that they're bounded together with people in Ukraine like family and there has been lots of good service between them all.

"We always think it's a good idea they'd see the faces, get to know the people of some of the folks that they're praying for and then bring to mind those faces and people as they pray throughout the week," Cunningham explained.

Like other churches and organizations in Central Texas, Temple Bible Church is raising money for both people holding out in Ukraine and for the refugees in Poland.

Cunningham tells 6 News they had monetary relief make it to people in Ukraine and Poland just a few days ago.

"We were able to get actual physical money resources into Ukraine, which was very difficult," he said. "We have some brave people go back into the country and do that."

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