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Woodway employee sues city manager for sexual harassment, wants city held liable

The lawsuit says Yost Zakhary's position of power made his victims feel helpless to stop him.


Woodway City Council scheduled a meeting Friday regarding the matter of city manager Yost Zakhary's employment status. They left the following statement:

After receiving and reviewing additional information, the feeling of the Council is that more serious action must be taken. However, because there is no action item for tonight's meeting; a meeting for Friday will be scheduled by a posting tomorrow morning to address the matter of Mr. Zakhary's employment. The City of Woodway and its City Council support the City's employees and will not tolerate inappropriate conduct.

Original Story

Woodway City Council will hold an emergency meeting Monday night to determine what action to take after a sexual harassment lawsuit was filed against City Manager Yost Zakhary and the city itself.

The lawsuit, filed by an employee in the Woodway Public Safety Department, accuses Zakhary of sexual harassment, assault, infliction of emotional distress and claims the city should be held liable for his alleged misconduct. The accusations stem from incidents that allegedly happened in 2017 while Zakhary was also the city's public safety director, a position from which he recently resigned.

The lawsuit claims Zakhary suggested the woman who filed the lawsuit get a breast enlargement, commented on her attractiveness, referenced her naked body and even made remarks about a sadomasochism act. During a city-sponsored event, Zakhary allegedly pulled her pony tail multiple times -- jerking her head back and forth to simulate a sex act and said: "Oh yea...you know that's what your boyfriend likes," according to the lawsuit.

"Zakhary's repeated sexual harassment of Plaintiff, and other female employees, was extensive, long-lasting, unredressed, and consisted of uninhibited sexual threats or conduct that permeated Plaintiff's work environment," the lawsuit said.

Zakhary allegedly also took and kept unauthorized cell phone photos of at least one female employee's body parts and showed those images to other people, the lawsuit claimed.

"It was this ultimate position of power held by Defendant Zakhary which rendered his victims helpless," the lawsuit said.

The attorneys representing the woman behind the lawsuit said the case was filed to protect both her and other women.

"We intend to hold Mr. Zakhary, and any City of Woodway public official enabling or protecting him, accountable for Zakhary's sexual misconduct and to vigorously protect the rights of [redacted name] and all the other female public servants who are or have been victims of sexual harassment or assault while employed by the City of Woodway," the law firm of Johnson Hobbs Squires said in a statement.

The lawsuit seeks monetary damages for mental anguish, as well as attorney fees, and demands a jury trial.

Zakhary has been employed by the City of Woodway in different roles for more than three decades.

Editor's Note: Channel 6 does not typically identify victims or alleged victims in cases dealing with sexual harassment or similar accusations.

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