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Waco Cha co-founder named to Forbes Next 1000 list

Devin Li, the co-founder of Waco Cha, credits the community for the Boba tea shop's success and popularity.

WACO, Texas — One of the most popular places to grab a drink in Waco has been recognized by Forbes. 

Devin Li and his wife Jaja Chen opened up Waco Cha in 2018 and now Li has been named to the Forbes Next 1000 List. The list identifies and honors young entrepreneurs who are building diverse communities in every region of the country. 

“It’s not about me because it’s really about the company, and also about the community, and our customers and of course, putting Waco and Forbes, and I realize it’s a great deal,” Li said. 

The mission of their business is to create a diverse community through their signature Boba teas, making them a perfect fit for the list. Li is a mentor to many other business owners and entrepreneurs in town, including loyal customer Ryan Thomas. 

“Of all businesses I would be the least worried about this one because it’s the most authentic. All the success you’ve seen is not fake, it’s not because of a bunch of ads they’ve paid for. Its genuinely because people back them and are behind them and they love the people so well through what they do,” Thomas said.  

Li is listed on Forbe’s website and will get to attend a virtual conference that will provide business resources. 

He said it is a great honor but also realizes that he hasn’t done it all on his own. 

“I tell my friends all the time that there's no such thing called self-made man, I really believe in community made-man. It’s really the community that made us, the community that took us where we are, so all the credit goes to the awesome community,” Li said. 

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