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Temple church offers community drive-thru prayers

Though many folks receive prayer behind the wheel, those who may be on foot or on their bikes are also welcome to stop by.

TEMPLE, Texas — A Temple church is offering an alternative way to pray -- and it happens at the convenience of your own car.

Ministry of Divine Purpose, located at 1916 W. Ave M., hosts its "Drive-Thru Prayer" every Thursday, allowing the community to receive prayers and encouragement from the church without attendees stepping out of their vehicle.

"Our purpose for Drive-Thru prayer is to reach the community to be a beacon in the neighborhood, to give people hope," said Nevador Beach, first lady at Ministry of Divine Purpose..

It's this hope that keeps Temple mother Jessica Orange stopping by.

"I had a brain aneurysm about five years ago," Orange said. "... I was able to walk again through prayer every day. I didn't have to do no rehabilitation. I'm still here five years later with prayer every day."

The church has been offering this service for a few years. Though many folks receive prayer behind the wheel, those who may be on foot or on their bikes are also welcome to stop by.

"It doesn't matter your nationality, it doesn't matter your clothing, it doesn't matter what you look like or any of that. Everybody is welcome here," said Beach.

The Beaches hope their service will help spark a movement across Central Texas.

"Our desire is that this very thing will catch on fire with all, all the ministries in Temple, Texas," Senior Pastor Mark Beach said.

Drive-Thru Prayer happens every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Below are the following services you can receive if you go:

  • Prayer -- Share your prayer requests and receive personalized prayers
  • Prayer Cards -- If you prefer to write your prayers, prayer cards are available to be filled out on site
  • Anointing and Blessing -- In certain instances, pastors can offer this service at your vehicle
  • Special occasions -- Themed-prayer days like back-to-school, holiday blessings or healing services

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