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New Cameron Park infant orangutan pulled from mother due to safety concerns

Cameron Park's new baby orangutan was pulled from its mother who was exhibiting abnormal behaviors Saturday.

Cameron Park’s new baby orangutan was pulled from its mother who was exhibiting abnormal behaviors Saturday.

The mother, Mei, was acting in a way that health specialists felt could harm baby Razak. The Orangutan Species Survival Plan chair decided with the veterinarian and animal management staff that the best solution would be for animal care staff to take over most of the baby’s care.

The decision was made to help ensure the health baby Razak and lower Mei’s anxiety. Animal care staff is still hopeful that Mei will participate in nursing and other supervised interactions.

Cameron Park Zoo spokesman Duan McGregor says the separation is hopefully temporary. In the coming weeks the staff is hoping that Mei will choose a more positive role in caring for the baby.

McGregor says it is important for orangutans to form a positive bond with other orangutans, and in the case that Mei is unable or unwilling to care for Razak, he will be introduced to his aunt, Kutai.

Hand rearing an infant orangutan requires the caregiver to allow constant care zoo staff members say. This means the caregiver wears a vest that allows the baby to securely latch on and be carried.

The baby is still being given breast milk from Mei, as she consents to a breast pump. If the mother is willing, Razak will also continue to nurse from her.

McGregor says the baby is adjusting well to this new care regime and Mei’s level of anxiety seems to be substantially lower since the baby is no longer constantly on her.

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