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Nearly 300 homeless people in Killeen, Temple and Belton

Killeen saw the most with 169 homeless people counted.

KILLEEN, Texas — The annual point-in-time count taken in Bell County reveals that almost 300 community members are experiencing homelessness. 

The point-in-time count is a survey to find the approximate amount of individuals experiencing homelessness. 

The survey found totals for Killeen, Temple, Belton, Hamilton County and Lampasas County. 

Here's what the numbers looked like:

  • Killeen: 169
  • Temple: 121
  • Belton: 4
  • Hamilton County: 19
  • Lampasas County: 14

Additional numbers gathered from the point-in-time count show that 53% of the people counted are female and the majority of people experiencing homelessness in this area are between the ages of 25 and 64. 

It's important to note that these numbers show just the minimum number of those experiencing homelessness as people staying with friends or hotels were not counted. 

Executive Director of Citizens for Progress Bobby Ehrig says this data is still being finalized, but these numbers are up-to-date. 

The official report is scheduled to come out in late spring. 

To view more on the point-in-time count, visit here

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