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Marlin Community members come together during winter crisis

Community members helped with loading the heavy repair pipes and other materials that will be used to repair the water treatment plant.

MARLIN, Texas — The water issue in Marlin is one step closer to being fixed. Freezing temperatures caused a 10-inch pipe to burst at the water plant which left the entire city without water. But that has not stopped community members from coming together in a time of need.

“If I have a building somebody can use, we're going to use it,” Marlin resident John Keefer said. “I know there are a lot of people in this town who don’t have heating or proper insulation."

When the winter storm hit, Keefer gathered 140 cots and blankets and opened his gym building as a warming center. Now, there is another issue. Dealing with no water.

"It is tough," Keefer said. “We all like to have our nice hot water every morning. I did not think we would be without water for this long."

Since Sunday, the freezing temperatures caused the Marlin water plant to have issues. On Thursday, community members helped with loading the heavy repair pipes and other materials that will be used to repair the water treatment plant. Mayor Carolyn Lofton said hopefully soon, homes will have water again.

"We know the struggle. Trust me I am in the struggle with you,” Lofton said. “We all need water to the nth degree. So we are continuing to put every effort we can to get what we need and get water restored."

For now, Keefer said it is important that the community continues to stick together during this difficult time.

"I mean every time the city has lost water. this community has always come together. It is a blessing," Keefer said.

Lofton said repairs at the water plant have begun. Plant operators will begin processing water when they are done.

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