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Major shakeups to City of Mart government following explosive council meeting

The majority of Monday's council meeting was held in executive session as the finance director was fired, while the city secretary and mayor resigned.

MART, Texas — Following an explosive city council meeting on Monday, March 11, major changes and new faces took on new roles in the City of Mart government.

The meeting saw the resignations of Mayor Robert Kaiser, Interim City Secretary Lambert Little and the City's Finance Director Vicky Grimes was fired for cause.

Kaiser said that meeting marked the fourth time a vote was brought up for the termination of Little's employment, but prior to the vote, Kaiser said Little handed him his letter of resignation.

"It's difficult to do your job when the council does not support you," Kaiser said of Little, who's role included administrative authority in the government.

With only the council retaining the authority to terminate department heads, Kaiser said the move to terminate Grimes' employment was in the best interest of the city.

In regards to his resignation, Kaiser cited what he called "turmoil" and a "lack of productivity" in the city.

"When you have elected officials interfering with daily operations, you run the risk of undermining supervisors and that was done on a regular basis," Kaiser said.

Kaiser used an incident in which he said Little had two public works officials walk off a job site as one example behind the decision to ask for his resignation.

Mart Police Chief Shane James was named interim city secretary and city administrator following the city council meeting. Though, he will also continue to serve as police chief. 

James said those are roles he had applied for saying he has a "vested interest in the city and wants to see it continue to prosper and grow."

"I look at it as a good rebuilding point for the city," James said. "Maybe the pieces can stop moving now." 

James said in his new role and with the new look of the city council, he wants the focus to be "serving the citizens of Mart and building a better community."

Mayor Pro Tem Trevor Baize will serve as mayor in the interim.

"One of the greatest things we're going to face is being able to tell citizens 'I hear your concerns and I'm here to serve you.'  And we have to follow up on that promise," James said, pleading patience as the city enters a new chapter in leadership.

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