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'I was hysterical' | Local woman asks community's help to rebuild her 'safe haven' after Wednesday's strong storms destroy home

Leigh Fuller said she lost everything, including her pet cat.

TEMPLE, Texas — A Bell County woman is asking for the community's help after she lost her entire mobile home in Wednesday's severe storms and tornadoes that struck the Temple area.

Leigh Fuller set up a GoFundMe, hoping the community can help her raise up to $10,000 so she can rebuild her home that she's had for nearly 30 years; and the life that she created for herself and her two grandchildren whom she fosters.

"It's everything" she said as she described her home. "I mean, my whole life is here. My whole life has been here. It was a safe haven for my kids and I, and it's just so hard. They want to know why they can't go home."

Fortunately, Fuller and her two grandchildren weren't home when the storms passed through. But when they came back home, she broke into hysterics as she saw her home and fifth-wheel trailer were torn to pieces; its contents thrown across the yard.  

"I guess when the winds came, it just flipped everything over a couple of... three times and the base of the floor of my trailer is now sitting right out here," she described. "There's ceiling fans out in the yard, there's an air conditioner out in the yard."

She lost everything, she said, including her pet cat.

"I get over here, I'm hysterical," she said, which you can hear in the video she shared with 6 News below. "I'm looking through, I'm trying to find my cat, calling my cat."

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Fuller said she is trying to save what she can find as far as their personal mementos go.

"I found some family photos and I found a picture of my dad," Fuller said. "All my little kids' stuffed animals."

Fuller said she doesn't have insurance and that her family is now without a home.

"I don't know where we're gonna go from here," she said.

That is why she set up a GoFundMe account and asks the public to donate, if able. You can donate here.

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