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Killeen residents tired of 'the runaround' from city to fix a drainage issue

A narrow channel along Cheaney Drive in north Killeen is causing rainfall to build up, flooding the street and a house.

KILLEEN, Texas — There is a group of Killeen residents who fear flooding anytime precipitation comes their way. They have asked the City of Killeen for action to protect their property, but haven't seen any effort. 

6 News got involved two months ago when residents reached out to see if the news team could help those that are dealing with the flooding along Cheaney Drive. 6 News connected with the City, which stated it's going to take time to meet the needs the residents have.

In a statement to 6 News on May 24, a spokesperson for the City said in part:

"This is an area that was developed between 1962 and 1963. The needs and construction requirements were different then, and the city has been growing ever since with increasing runoff. The Engineering/Stormwater division is in the process of developing a Drainage Master Plan for the city to address those issues.

At the time the situation was brought to the City of Killeen, we let the citizen know that we were working on this project and that since the project will cover the entire city, it could take some time.

We will be looking into this location as part of a future capital project with the development of the Master Drainage Plan. This is older infrastructure that may become a smaller capital project in the future. The plan will take a look at all potential capital projects and prioritize them accordingly. We have a contract with a consulting company to work on the plan, which is anticipated to last one year for the current phase."

After heavy rain moved through the area on July 22, the same residents of Cheaney Drive reached out to 6 News again sharing their frustrations.

"We feel that we are neglected in this area," said resident Fred Santiago. "That statement is just like a runaround. This has been happening for years, it's not just now. The City needs to show, 'hey we are working on it,' not just give bogus answers."

Santiago lives on Cheaney Drive and has seen the road flood many times over the years. His neighbor, Jocelyn Santiago, has even had water flow into her house from the flooding. Her property is along the narrow channel the runoff is supposed to run through.

"I feel very anxious, sad and very fearful because of the house getting water inside and damaging our property," said Jocelyn Santiago. "We have worked hard for it. I would like for the City to give us some help, but they haven't at all."

Jocelyn Santiago has cleared and cleaned out the draining channel to try and mitigate the damage from potential flooding. She had scratches and rashes along her arms from working in the vegetation lining the channel.

The City of Killeen told 6 News in the May 24 statement that when they inspected the area in question, there was no blockage or obstruction of any kind found. Cheaney Drive residents said that's because of the work Jocelyn puts in.

"I start praying when the water starts rising into the house," Jocelyn Santiago added. "There is no one to help. I want someone to take us into consideration and help us. I don't wish this on anybody."

6 News reached out to the City of Killeen for an update on the matter on July 24, and is waiting to hear back.

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