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Kempner residents concerned over constant water problems

Following the latest water shut-off residents in Kempner are tired of constant boil water notices, shut-offs and more.

KEMPNER, Texas — The latest water shut-off in Kempner has left residents frustrated.

Jeff Mosley is one homeowner who has expressed great concern over always having water problems with the current system that provides water to his area.

Mosley said he's either having to boil his water, it's shut-off or he's having to conserve.

Bruce Sorenson, the General Manager at Kempner Water Supply Corporation, said the system that stretches for miles was built in the late 80's.

"We realize the line is starting to age," Sorenson added.

Sorenson said this system is meant to last just over 50 years. That means constant repairs are needed as time goes on.

With more repairs, comes more outages and the need for more boil water notices.

"It's just ridiculous, you can't depend on it," Mosley said.

Mosley reached out to Six News after the latest outage at the intersection of Boys Ranch Rd and Lois Ln.

The water was out close to 24 hours.

The last update from Kempner Water Supply Corporation said:

The 10' piece of concrete pipe has been delivered!  Now it is a matter of getting it in the ground and welded in place, this will take a couple hours.  Once the welding is complete, we will repressurize the lines.  Remember, this is a large system that will take time to fill.  You will have water later on tonight barring any unforeseen complications.

Thank you for your patience.  

Sorenson said the break that happened Monday was at a crucial point in the water system.

"This particular break is at the beginning of our system," he said.

It cause two to 4,000 connections to lose water.

Mosley and others are tired of this happening and want there to be something done.

For now, the water supply corporation can only work as fast as they can to get repairs fixed as they happen.

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