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6 Fix | Restoration on historic home in Belton halted

The 1929 L.B. Kinchion house in Belton, Texas was a safe haven for prominent Black celebrities in its day. Today, a local is trying to return it to its former glory.

BELTON, Texas — Hidden in south Belton is a reminder of a time when segregation was alive.

The L.B. Kinchion Home, built in 1929, became a safe haven to Black Americans like Jackie Robinson, Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington and so many others.

Kinchion, a leader in his community, provided a safe place for them to stay when traveling or visiting the area. Today, the home is owned by Troy Finely, who is currently trying to return it to its former glory.

"We just want to bring this back and like I said, make it a beacon of light for the community here and share it with others," Finely said.

Finely has been working on remodeling the house since 2019. However, due to concerns with his original contractor, Finley said he is unable to continue with any remodeling at this time.

The true name of this home is Villa-Lu Necia, named after Kinchion's wife.

It's said that Kinchion was a prominent figure in the black community at the time. He was the principal at T.B. Harris School, which was originally known as a school for Black students, until it was integrated in 1966.

He also promoted quality education for Blacks and good working conditions for Black teachers.

It's said that Kinchion's home was in the annual guidebook for African-American roadtripper, "the bible of black travel" during the era of Jim Crow laws, when open and often legally prescribed discrimination against African Americans and other non-whites was widespread.

The guidebook would help African Americans find lodgings, businesses and gas stations that would serve them along the road. Later, after racial discrimination was outlawed by the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the publication discontinued its works.

"What we wanted to do with this home is honor Mr. L.B. Kinchion," Finely said.

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