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Nolanville will finally get their free health clinic

The city of Nolanville is hopeful their free health clinic that has been in the works since 2019, will be finalized in March of 2023.

NOLANVILLE, Texas — After years of waiting, Nolanville will finally see their much needed free health clinic finalized in March of 2023.

The original completion date was set for 2021, but financial hardships along with the stress of the pandemic and weather disasters set them back.

Today, the framing is finally up, counters have been donated, along with computers and other resources.

Sr. Pastor of First United Methodist and a leader in building this clinic, Patricia Warden said they wouldn't be here without the community.

"I know some people are excited to see what it will look like, and more so, what the services will be for it," Pastor Warden said.

Services will include access to medical care from 4 p.m. to midnight on Mondays. Medicine, along with other care, will be free.

Patients will also have the chance to sign up for Medicare at the facility.

Pastor Warden added that these resources are necessary for their community, as many people can't even afford to miss a day of work or air condition their homes.

In order to make sure residents of Nolanville still have access to health care, Pastor Warden made sure to team up with Endeavr, a mobile tele-health and transport system.

Dr. Wei, a leader of the initiative, drives around the community, picks patients up, takes them to medical appointments, and makes sure they are connected to the right resources.

"During the path of two years -- the city of Nolanville has provided tremendous help and resources to run this program," Dr. Wei said.

It isn't known whether this resource will remain when the clinic is built.

City leader, Jennifer Schidler, said the city of Nolanville knows the importance of this facility.

That's why the city has made sure to help reduce some fees.

The building of this clinic on Main Street is also part of the revitalization of Nolanville.

"We've already been revitalizing our old City Hall building and this - the free clinic is going to be right across the street from it," Schidler said.

The clinic is still in need of donations. If you would like to donate, visit their website: Nolanvillefaith.org.

RELATED: The Heart of Central Texas | Churches work together to bring free medical clinic to Nolanville

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