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Protecting your mental health in this excessive heat

Experts say it's more common to become irritable during excessive heat.

CENTRAL, Texas — The Central Texas heat can take a toll on on your mental health just as much as you physical health.

Experts say it is very common to become irritable, upset, even confused during this triple digit heat.

If you don't watch out for yourself, drink enough water and stay cool, your mental health could take a sharp decline very quick.

"Heat exhaustion you can start having some dizziness some head aches and feeling bad to the point where you're having heat stroke," Amy Mersiovsky with the nursing department at TAMUCT said.

The goal is to not get to the point of having a heat related stroke.

To do that, Mersiovsky recommends drinking eight ounces to a cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes.

"I highly recommend staying away from sugary drinks and even energy drinks," she added.

According to the Mayo Clinic, one study showed people visiting the emergency room for psychiatric or mental health related concerns during hot days.

Sometimes it's the physical discomfort, lack of sleep or disruption in sleep patterns that negatively impacts your mood. The goal is to stay in the shade if you're out in the heat.

Mersiovsky recommends keeping your body in a regulated temperature, which means not going in and out of the AC.

If you are outside, working, playing or hanging out, just stay hydrated, protect yourself and watch out for your friends.

There are cooling centers opening up in the Central Texas area that can help you get out of the heat.

Click here for more.

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