MARLIN, Texas — Marlin city officials recently announced that the former Thomas T. Connally Veterans Administration Hospital will be revamped as Texas Central Nervous System Veteran Hospital.
Marlin hasn't had a veteran hospital since nearly 20 years ago and revamping the hospital fell through. But city officials and Marlin residents are sure this new development will push through.
"This is like a dream for the city. It's well needed and the funding and taxes that are going to be paid are really going to help our city,", Marlin resident Sandra Armstrong shared.
Merkabah bought the hospital property for $20 million. Company president Konstantin Savvon says this hospital will be a step in a better direction for the City of Marlin.
"We really hope it kind of stimulates the towel at the turn of the century, this was one of the top locations in the country for health and we're hoping that we can bring some of that back," Savvon explained.
The new hospital will offer a variety of specialty care and full ambulance services for veterans dealing with mental health, physical health, or any major health needs.
One councilman said this new development will serve as a "spark" for the small town of Marlin.
“We believe it’s gonna be a success by all of the forecasts that we’ve seen and believe the $20 million we have to get this done will be enough," Savvon continued.
Roughly 300 new jobs will generated in Marlin, with an emphasis on hiring locally.
Construction for the hospital is set to begin in January 2023 and they hope to have the hospital done no later than 2026.
City officials are actively looking for staffing for the hospital from across the county, Texas, and more importantly to them in Marlin.