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'Know it, name it, stop it' | A&M-Central Texas hosts presentation to raise awareness of stalking

According to the university's Title IX department, 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 6 men experience stalking in their lifetimes.

KILLEEN, Texas — 6 News was invited to a sit-down presentation on the campus of Texas A&M University-Central Texas on Tuesday, Jan. 30. The university's Title IX office hosted an informative talk and discussion on the topic of stalking. 

One student, Jasuel Rodriguez, was happy about the university's efforts to host such an event, saying his high school "didn't do anything like this."

The Title IX office, established under federal law to protect campus communities against sex discrimination and sex-based misconduct, opened the presentation to all students, faculty and staff at A&M-Central Texas. 

"It's important for this information to get out there because anyone can use it because anyone can experience it," said student Bianca Sumner, who facilitated the presentation. 

According to the presentation, 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 6 men experience stalking in their lifetime. 

Sumner also praised the campus community's involvement in the presentation. 

"They do care and they are looking for ways to better themselves as well,' said Sumner. "As well as the campus community and that just makes me feel really good to know that."

The presentation was centered around three themes and calls to action: 'know it', 'name it' and 'stop it'. 

Those present were taught to 'know' situational awareness that can lead to a stalking event. They were also taught to 'name' the type of stalking such as surveillance or life invasion. Finally, they learned to provide the power of support and accountability for the guilty, which is the 'stop it' portion. 

"We might not know if anyone is experiencing that but we've put that information out there for them to educate themselves and utilize it and know that we have resources to support those individuals on campus if they choose to use them," stated Jacqueline Orellana, the university's Title IX Coordinator. 

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