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Copperas Cove ISD proposes first bond in 19 years, a package worth $175 million

If passed, the estimated impact would be $27.81 per month for a home valued at $200,000. The district said school taxes would still be less than in Jan. 2023.

COPPERAS COVE, Texas — Copperas Cove Independent School District is hoping its taxpayers will head to the polls to consider the first bond election they have had in 19 years.

The district has laid out the $175 million package into one proposition. 'Proposition A' includes renovations and upgrades at all 11 campuses in the district, expansion to Copperas Cove High School, addressing security and safety needs and relocating extracurricular facilities including health and athletics.

"We understand that that is a large amount of money," said Kurtis Quillin, the district's Director of Communications. "This proposal touches all 11 campuses. This improves safety and security at all 11 campuses. This expands the high school, this expands some other facilities that could use some updates as well to improve the experience for students."

The district explained to 6 News that one of the biggest elements of the bond election is the expansion to the high school, which they describe as much needed. Quillin said the high school is currently estimated as 29 percent over capacity, and the proposal would add 55 classrooms and science labs to adjust for the crowding and also prepare for future growth. He also said there are about 30 teachers at CCHS who don't have dedicated classrooms and have to roam around the campus with a cart.

The impact to taxpayers would be $27.81 per month for the average home in CCISD valued at $200,000. While this is a tax increase, the district said the owner of a $200,000 home will pay $460 less in school taxes than they did last year, even with the bond election passing. The decrease stems from the state's largest property tax cuts and more growth in the area.

"Our Facilities Advisory Committee worked for two and a half years talking to the district financial advisor, talking to architects and construction companies to ensure that the proposal that they put forward to the board was addressing the needs in the district, but also financially responsible for the taxpayers in Copperas Cove ISD," Quillin added.

Quillin also went into detail about the proposal addressing cafeteria concerns at CCHS, and having covered fenced-in outdoor seating. The district would also make changes to Copperas Cove Junior High's cafeteria by extending it and adding restrooms. Right now, students have to use the bathroom in other parts of campus which puts a strain on monitoring students.

"We'll also put restrooms in the cafeteria which will provide additional student monitoring or better student monitoring in that facility," Quillin added.

Quillin said, if passed, the bond election would also address safety and security needs. Those needs include surveillance cameras on campuses' perimeter fencing, access control systems, electronic door monitoring and enclosed walkways on three elementary campuses.

More information about the bond projects, financial impact and renderings can be found here.

Election Day is Saturday, May 4.

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