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Riot at Waco High School involved two street gangs

The riot happened last Tuesday, Sept. 10 around 12:30 p.m. According to Waco ISD's police chief, a total of four fights broke out and 14 students were involved.

WACO, Texas — A teen was arrested and charged last Tuesday following a riot at Waco High School involving students belonging to two local street gangs last week, according to a criminal complaint obtained by 6 News.

The riot happened last Tuesday, Sept. 10 around 12:30 p.m. According to Waco ISD's Police Chief Craig Goodman, a total of four fights broke out and 14 students were involved. It is unclear if all the students were members of the gangs.

"As the officers were trying to break up a fight, another one would break out," Goodman said. "We even had a time where students were pulling officers off other students and then the person who was the focus of the assault would be re-assaulted."

According to the complaint, Waco ISD Police Officer R. Sanchez heard there was a commotion in the cafeteria. When he arrived, he saw there were students fighting, as well as other students gathered around the fight.

The complaint states that Sanchez tried to break-up the fight and stop four students from fighting, but they refused to do so. Other students involved were also blocking the entryway into the cafeteria, which prevented officers from getting inside, the complaint states.

Per the complaint, students were injuring each other, responding officers and campus safety officers, as well as teachers. They also damaged school property.

Sanchez managed to separate one student from the situation. The complaint states that student was involved with one local gang.

"After a few seconds, I observed a crowd of students rushing toward the main hallway around the lion statue," Sanchez said in the complaint.

Sanchez then noticed four more students were fighting in the lobby and intervened. He said one "attacker" was a student involved in a separate local gang, also not being named, according to the complaint.

Several students involved were then separated by Waco High School assistant principals and behavior aides, the complaint adds.

According to the complaint, the 14 students ages range between 15- to- 17 years old. Only one student was identified in the complaint, but because he is a minor and not charged as an adult, 6 News is not naming him.

"[The student] did then and there knowingly participate in a riot, namely an assemblage of seven or more persons resulting in conduct that created an immediate danger of damage to property owned by Waco ISD and injury to Officer R. Sanchez and Campus Safety Officer D. Neumann namely starting a massive physical altercation in the cafeteria," the complaint reads.

The student was arrested and charged on Wednesday, Sept. 13, according to the complaint.

Despite the situation, Goodman said parents do not need to worry about gang violence in schools.

"In any environment, you're gonna have that small percentage that want to create problems...," Goodman said. "The only thing I would ask is... we need to solicit the help of our parents and guardians, you know, be aware of who your students are hanging out with. What do they have in their backpacks? What's in their rooms? You know, just be aware of their surroundings so they can help us prevent them, prevent students from hanging out with the wrong people... going places they shouldn't go."

Goodman also said school administration should have resources for students and parents if they need help.

"We need to keep people safe and I just hope everybody will become part of the solution, help us be successful, know that we're willing to work with them," he said. "And again, we all want the same thing for our kids and our staff to be safe and to thrive and to be successful in life."

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