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Former Kempner Mayor arrested for indecent assault, assault on a family member

Keith Harvey was arrested by the Lampasas County Sheriff's Department on July 11 on multiple charges, including indecent assault and assault on a family member.

KEMPNER, Texas — Former City of Kempner Mayor Keith Harvey was arrested on July 11 on numerous charges, according to affidavits by the Kempner Police Department.

According to the affidavits, filed by Kempner Chief of Police Heriberto Rodriguez, Harvey was arrested on three charges, assault causing bodily injury against a family member, indecent assault and interfering with emergency request for assistance, all Class A Misdemeanors.

Rodriguez said he was contacted on April 8, 2023, by someone given the pseudonym "Purple Tulip", who claimed to be a victim of family violence. 

Rodriguez said Purple Tulip asked him to accompany her as she retrieved property from her home to prevent any further violence, and the two met at the Kempner Police Department.

According to Rodriguez, Purple Tulip said Keith Harvey, who she is married to and lives with, accused her of having an affair on April 7, 2023. Purple Tulip reportedly told Rodriguez that an argument began between her and Harvey, during which she claimed Harvey pinned her down on the bed and pulled off her wedding ring, causing her pain.

The affidavits stated Purple Tulip pushed Harvey off of her with her foot, after which he grabbed her foot and twisted it.

Purple Tulip reportedly told police she tried to get her phone and told Harvey she was calling 911, but Harvey was able to take the phone and refused to give it back until she left the property.

Rodriguez said he observed lines on Purple Tulip's finger consistent with wearing a ring as well as discoloration and swelling on her ankle that was consistent with her accusations against Harvey.

Purple Tulip allegedly told Rodriguez she was reluctant to press charges against Harvey as he was competing in a bodybuilding competition and had reportedly obtained endorsement deals that could be ended due to the allegations. 

Harvey was also charged with Indecent Assault on July 11 for a separate incident.

Rodriguez stated in another affidavit that he was contacted by Harvey's stepdaughter on Dec. 17, 2021. 

The stepdaughter reportedly told police the first instance occurred around Aug. 23 at Harvey's home in Kempner, where she had moved with her mother in the summer of 2020.

According to the affidavit, Harvey's stepdaughter described multiple indecent assaults against her ranging from August 2021 to November 2021, when she told her mother about Harvey's actions.

Rodriguez said the stepdaughter's cell phone was used to review text messages between her and Harvey.

Rodriguez stated messages were consistent with the stepdaughter's allegations and included sexual references and references to sexual touching, which the stepdaughter said she did not want.

Rodriguez said the messages appeared to be "grooming" Harvey's stepdaughter and became "controlling, stern and angry" after November 2021.

Harvey was booked into the Lampasas County Jail on July 11.

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