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Fort Cavazos Implements Stage 3 mandatory water conservation due to water line break

These Stage 3 measures will remain in effect until additional conservation measures are implemented.

FORT CAVAZOS, Texas — The Fort Cavazos community and Cavalry Family Housing residents will start Stage 3 mandatory water conservation measures following a water line break reported by Bell County Water Control and Improvement District #1.

Col. Lakicia Stokes, U.S. Army Garrison-Fort Cavazos commander, emphasized the critical need for conserving water during the recent water supply challenge. "It is critical for each of us to promote water stewardship and understand how our daily actions and choices have a direct impact on our water resource," Col. Stokes said.

The Stage 3 mandatory water conservation measures apply to all personnel working or residing on Fort Cavazos and include the following restrictions:

-No watering of landscaping except from 6 to 10 a.m. and 8 to 10 p.m. daily, with no water runoff permitted.

- Watering permitted using a watering can, hand-held hose, or similar method to prevent overwatering.

- Sprinkler systems may only be used during approved hours with continuous on-site monitoring.

- Washing of privately owned vehicles is prohibited except at commercial car washes with functioning water recycling systems.

- Military vehicles must be washed at a Tactical Vehicle Wash Facility, with exceptions made for essential mission requirements.

- Fundraising or organizational car washes are not permitted.

- No addition of water to privately owned pools.

- Water mains will not be flushed except in cases of contamination or other safety compromises.

- Potable water use for construction activities is prohibited, including irrigation and dust control.

- Planting of new sod, seed, or landscaping requiring higher water amounts is prohibited.

- Golf course irrigation must use water from non-potable sources only.

- Hydrant water use is restricted to firefighting, emergencies, or activities essential for public health and safety.

These Stage 3 measures will remain in effect until additional conservation measures are implemented.

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