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Fort Cavazos Department of Public Health conducting Community Strengths and Themes Assessment

Community members can use the survey to give their input on the strengths and needs of the community.

FORT CAVAZOS, Texas — The Fort Cavazos Department of Public Health is asking the community for input.

The Department of Public Health has announced it is conducting a comprehensive Community Strengths and Themes Assessment, or CSTA, through Sept. 30.

According to the Department of Public Health, the CSTA is a "comprehensive assessment of military communities for health risk factors and needs", designed to capture the perceptions of the military community on things like quality of life and health along with "key physical, emotional, family and social risk areas within the military environment."

The CSTA also reportedly assists in identifying priorities for community coalitions like the Army Commander’s Ready and Resilient Council, the Air Force Community Action and Information Board and local working groups.

By completing the CSTA survey, the Public Health Department says community members can provide personal input on the strengths and needs of the community, and their thoughts on how to improve things like quality of life, health, readiness, programs and resources. 

Community leaders will then reportedly use the results of the survey to make decisions about "building the community’s health and available resources."

“The survey will help informed senior leaders determine how to best utilize resources to meet the needs of our community members,” said Lt. Col. Theresa Suggs, chief, Army Public Health Nursing, CRDAMC. “The CSTA is our chance to effect positive change in our community.”

The CSTA is reportedly open to "all who interact at Fort Cavazos", including service members, retirees, family members, DOD beneficiaries, DOD civilians and contractors.

Responses to the survey are reportedly private and confidential. Community members are encouraged to spread the word about the survey to others as well.

To take the survey, visit this link: https://phpubapps.health.mil/Survey/se/2511374548575240.

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