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Dispatchers shortage at the Waco Police Department, how you can help

The Waco Police Department is offering a $6,000 incentive, along with $19 to $21 an hour to new hires.

WACO, Texas — The Waco Police Department is facing a shortage of dispatchers, and need the community to fill the vacant positions.

There are 11 open positions open right now. Applications to apply are open until Aug. 15. To get new hires, the department is offering a $6,000 bonus, along with a $19 to $21 hourly wage.

"It's nice to help other people and get them the help they need," Waco dispatcher Melissa Schmalrieve said.

Schmalrieve has been a dispatcher for almost 10 years. She said every day she learns something new.

"We all build off our life experiences," she said.

Schmalrieve added that there's a variety of people that take on the task of being a dispatcher. She sits alongside High School students, College students, and retirees. They all take care of each other so they can help everyone who calls in.

The task of taking calls from multiple cities across Central Texas is no small feat, but Schmalrieve always reminds herself to be compassionate, because she could be all the other person on the end of the line has.

"I try to stay calm, that's important," she said.

She added that she thinks of her 80-year-old grandmother, and how she'd speak to her if she was calling.

Schmalrieve knows what it's like to be in a tricky situation too. Twice, she's had car accidents and had to call a dispatcher just like herself.

When she called, she knew she was safe, and they were going to take care of her.

"Many times we get calls from people who aren't from here, so it's our job to figure out where they are," she said.

The team is a well oiled machine, but they need more help to fulfill their duties properly.

"I'd say on average, we're answering 51-hundred calls per week, " Emergency Communications and 911 Management Susie Murray said.

Murray added that the last hiring process saw 100 potential applicants, but after they went through the steps to get to the end, only three made it to the finish line.

She added that this could be because people can't get through the 30-page questionnaire, but she reminds everyone that it's easier to get through than it looks. It's not hard to join the team.

Click here to start the process. You'll see a list of qualifications, and an understanding of the steps it takes to become a dispatcher at Waco P.D.

The deadline to apply is Aug. 15.

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