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81-Year-Old Guitarist Bob Wood Finds Fame in Viral Video

TEMPLE, TX ---When 81-year-old Bob Wood walked into British Audio Service & Music in Nashville, he never imagined he would walk out a celebrity.

TEMPLE, TX ---When 81-year-old Bob Wood walked into British Audio Service & Music in Nashville, he never imagined he would walk out a celebrity. While he tested out his vintage amps he brought in for repair, employees listened in amazement.

"Somebody came running out of the back and said, 'We gotta video this. Can we video you?' I said, 'yeah'. 'Can we video you and put you online?'. I said 'As long as you get my name right,” says Wood.

The YouTube video of Wood’s incredibly fast fingers garnered 10,000 views in just two days and more than one million in a week. Now more than one year later, the video is getting another round of views nearly 3 million in all.

"If I was 30 or 40 years old, I probably wouldn't have gotten a second look but since I'm 81-years-old I'm not supposed to be able to move my fingers that fast I guess. I don't know,” said Wood.

It turns out Wood has had an incredible career before his social media fame. As a child growing up in Virginia, he was one of ten kids. Wood says music was his family’s entertainment. His greatest influence was his older brother Peter who went by the stage name “Peter Pepper.”

"That's why my ears are so big. I play by ear you see. They've had a lot of work out over the years you see,” said Wood.

At 16, Wood left home to go on the road with a band. He landed in Nashville where he became friends with some of the brightest stars in country music before they ever began to shine. One story Wood recalls is meeting Roy Clark and Patsy Cline the same night at a talent show before either name became famous.

"I can see her now. She had on a purple western fest and a purple western skirt with the fringe. When she opened her mouth and started singing, she stopped me cold in my tracks, I had never heard anything like it,” said Wood.

While Wood was arguably as talented as an Nashville guitarist, he says he never looked for the spotlight working instead as a sales representative, consultant and clinician for numerous guitar companies.

"I never went on the road with any of them. I could never afford to go on the road as a side man. I had eight kids to feed,” said Wood.

Still, Wood had plenty of success as an artist playing on Wheeling Jamboree USA for ten years in the 1970s. In 1975 & 1976, he was named “Entertainer of the Year” award from the Eastern States Country Music Inc. All three of Wood’s albums can be found in the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

"We always felt like our dad was at least as talented as these other folks. We were always hoping and thinking that he would really get the recognition that we thought he deserved,” said Wood’s daughter Mitzi.

Now at 81-years-old, Wood is getting more attention than ever. Since the YouTube video of his fast fingers went viral, Wood has become the subject of numerous news reports including a documentary by GoPro.

"God knows I appreciate every little compliment I get. I have all my life. Every musician wants to be appreciated,” says Wood.

His family says they are thrilled to see him the center of so much attention. While his children would never trade the years of having their musical father at home with them, his late-blooming fame is just further confirmation of his incredible talents.

"He's getting this kind of standing ovation is what we call it across the world. It's really the best way the story could have gone,” said Mitzi Wood.

Wood resides outside of Nashville, Tennessee with his wife of 60-years.

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