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Goat landscaping: City of Waco tests eco-friendly program to clean up overgrown areas

The city of Waco tested a program that uses 120 goats to clear invasive vegetation in areas city staff can't reach.

The city of Waco Parks and Recreation Department tested an eco-friendly goat landscaping program over the weekend.

The city contracted Rent-A-Ruminant to use 120 goats to graze and clear invasive vegetation in areas city staff can't reach.

City officials said the service is an eco-friendly alternative that improves employee safety and eliminates the need to spray chemicals near waterways.

The project took place along a stretch of land between Waco Dr. and Bosque Blvd. along University Parks Dr.

The goats worked in the designated grazing area, located behind the Parks and Recreation office building on Waco Dr., during daylight hours on Saturday and Sunday.

On Tuesday, the Waco Police Department posted a video of the new "city employees" hard at work behind the municipal court building. 

Rent-A-Ruminant employee was assigned to be with the goats while they grazed.

The goat landscaping method has been used by several metropolitan cities including New York, Chicago and Boston.

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