BELTON, Texas — After four years at Belton High, Kylee Johnson thought it was time to say 'thank you'. What better way to show appreciation than with a nice bouquet of flowers?
Johnson, with some help from her dad, decided to surprise every teacher and staff member at the high school with a bouquet of flowers on Friday.
"Everyone can get flowers like it doesn't matter who you are and flowers just brighten people's day and it's springtime so it fits the season," Johnson said.
Every teacher who got a bouquet was genuinely surprised. One teacher even said it was the best Friday in a long time. For Johnson, after being a student at Belton High for four years, she feels it's the least she can do. "They've always done so much to help me," Johnson said. "I just think that anything I can give to them like they've given to me, even just a pinch of what they've given to me means a lot to me."
One of the teachers who got a bouquet was one of her favorites. Brandy Kopriva, an English teacher at Belton High says Johnson has always been more to her than just a name on her roster. "All my seniors mean so much to me, but Kylee and I have definitely built a special bond," Kopriva said.
As a teacher, it's tough building bonds over the years. You love to see the students come and go but hate to watch them leave. Kopriva says, that's how she feels about Kylee. They check in on one another often and Kylee says Ms. Kopriva makes her feel special and understands her like no other teacher.
"I just, I'll miss being able to talk to her and ask her how her day is and checking on her. You know cause she'll be on her own," Kopriva said of Johnson.
Johnson won't be moving far away as she says she plans on attending Temple College in the fall, but today, she is grateful to have been able to give one big thank you to everyone in the building who got her to this point.
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